Our Services

As part of our wide range of data analysis and research services, we offer support right from collating important information through to analysis, synthesis and the final report writing. Our services include:

1.    Monitoring and evaluation

DARS has its own designed, developed, tested and approved monitoring and evaluation tool designed on a four-stage foundation approach. The stages are planning, monitoring, verification/evaluation and practical application of findings. These stages are guided by four monitoring and evaluation pillars namely – sound strategy, appropriate tools for meaningful performance, strong and action-oriented systems as well as sufficient, efficient and adaptive capacity.

These four stages represent a continuous cycle which provides the ability for users to capture and update performance data directly through core web-based interface or through its offline and mobile tools(tablets, smartphones), which are designed specifically for use in areas with limited or no internet access. Offline captured data get synchronized with the core system upon internet connection to the mobile devices.

2.    Social Research

DARS boasts of personnel with immense experience and expertise in all areas of quantitative, qualitative and immersions. We apply inferential, experimental or simulative approaches in quantitative aspect of research. We have the technical and resource capacity to carry out in-depth research with results that are:

  • Logical: Scientific inferences are based on logical principles of reasoning.
  • Confirmable: Inferences derived match with observed evidence.
  • Repeatable: Other scientists would be able to independently replicate or repeat the study and obtain similar, if not identical, results.
  • Reliable: The procedures used and the inferences derived can withstand critical scrutiny also known as peer review from other scientists.

3.    Market and Industry research

Through the expert application of statistical, analytical and applied science techniques, our experienced team provides in-depth industry, market and sector reports which include

  • Market sizing
  • Industry Segmentation
  • Demand-supply analysis
  • Competitive landscape analysis
  • Analysis of historical and current industry trends
  • Customer satisfaction

We help our clients identify and assess target market, understand and explore consumer behaviour, and benchmark.

4.    Polling

DARS also takes part in opinion polling surveys in Somalia, with regard to social, political and economic issues affecting citizens. We accomplish this through gaining insight that helps inform the involved parties. We use a sample drawn to represent a wider, relevant population, who are asked a standardized series of questions in a fixed form. The results are analysed for the entire sample, including specific subsamples that are a representative of subgroups in the population.

5.    Media monitoring

We also take part in media monitoring services to help find out the social views of the customers on the services and ways of correcting them. We keep track of the media coverage of issues related to a particular issue or campaign. We then analyse the impact on viewers and if it meets the expected outcome.

6.    Reporting and analytics

After collation of information, which is usually based on a specific criterion, we provide detailed reports in the most suitable or required format, which is well-designed and helps the client accelerate time to make a decision and uncover opportunities. We do data visualization, which includes the creation of different types of charts that depict social, industry, economic or political trends and convert the same into reports and presentations as well as infographics. The reports come with a methodology of tracking key performance indicators (KPI).

Other than the mentioned services, DARS also takes part in:

  • Statistical surveys
  • Institutional capacity assessment
  • Baseline assessment
  • Program design
  • Information management system